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Public Member Functions | Data Fields
iu::ImageGpu< PixelType, Allocator >::KernelData Struct Reference

Struct pointer KernelData that can be used in CUDA kernels. More...

#include <image_gpu.h>

Public Member Functions

__device__ PixelType & operator() (int x, int y)
__host__ KernelData (const ImageGpu< PixelType, Allocator > &im)

Data Fields

PixelType * data_
int width_
int height_
int stride_

Detailed Description

template<typename PixelType, class Allocator>
struct iu::ImageGpu< PixelType, Allocator >::KernelData

Struct pointer KernelData that can be used in CUDA kernels.

This struct provides the device data pointer as well as important class properties.

template<typename PixelType, class Allocator>
__global__ void cudaFunctionKernel(ImageGpu<PixelType, Allocator>::KernelData img, PixelType value)
const unsigned int x = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
const unsigned int y = threadIdx.y + blockIdx.y * blockDim.y;
if (x < img.width_ && y < img.height_)
img(x, y) += value;
template<typename PixelType, class Allocator>
void doSomethingWithCuda(iu::ImageGpu<PixelType, Allocator> *img, PixelType value)
dim3 dimBlock(32,32);
dim3 dimGrid(iu::divUp(img->width(), dimBlock.x),
iu::divUp(img->height(), dimBlock.y));
cudaFunctionKernel<PixelType, Allocator><<<dimGrid, dimBlock>>>(*img, value);

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<typename PixelType, class Allocator>
__host__ iu::ImageGpu< PixelType, Allocator >::KernelData::KernelData ( const ImageGpu< PixelType, Allocator > &  im)


Member Function Documentation

template<typename PixelType, class Allocator>
__device__ PixelType& iu::ImageGpu< PixelType, Allocator >::KernelData::operator() ( int  x,
int  y 

Access the image via the () operator.

xPosition in x.
yPosition in y.
value at position (x,y).

Field Documentation

template<typename PixelType, class Allocator>
PixelType* iu::ImageGpu< PixelType, Allocator >::KernelData::data_

Pointer to device buffer.

template<typename PixelType, class Allocator>
int iu::ImageGpu< PixelType, Allocator >::KernelData::height_

Height of the Image.

template<typename PixelType, class Allocator>
int iu::ImageGpu< PixelType, Allocator >::KernelData::stride_

Distance in pixels between starts of consecutive rows.

template<typename PixelType, class Allocator>
int iu::ImageGpu< PixelType, Allocator >::KernelData::width_

Width of the Image.

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